7th Easter Ascension Sunday: Faith Lift

05-22-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Lk 24:4653

Jesus’ bodily ascension to heaven; marks the completion of His
earthly mission. Going back to His Father in heaven leaves His
disciples with the eager anticipation for the coming of the
promisedparaklétos,the Holy Spirit, at Pentecost. This solemnity
marks the special (ten or seven days) period called Ascensiontide,
the time between the Lord’s Ascension and the descent of the Holy

(When the Solemnity of the Ascension is transferred from
Thursday, 40 days after Easter, to the 7th Sunday of Easter,
Ascensiontide is only seven (7) days. Jesus ascended to heaven. Heaven is not a space but a figurative language used to describe that which transcends human words. We can at least know that heaven is above the earth; because His disciples saw Him lifted to the clouds. Jesus rose from the dead and forty days later entered heaven to the glorious communion of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The eternal destiny to which the Father draws all who believe and put faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

There is paschal joy in heaven and on earth. The psalms echo this joy:All you peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with cries of gladness! God mounts His throne to shouts of joy; and a blare of trumpets for the Lord.Now, the Apostles joyfully returned to Jerusalem to proclaim the resurrection and the glorious ascension of Jesus Christ. They conquered their fears and preached in the temple area, speaking their praises to God. They rejoice now that He has risen and is present spiritually. The ascension of the Lord marks not his absence but the new way of His being present with them since Easter. His ascension lifts the minds and hearts of His disciples to a higher level, spiritual level.

Let us not forget that today the risen Lord empowers His disciples to become His witnesses. As He ascends to heaven, He blesses and fills them with joy. From their cenacles hideout and laden with fear, they become vanguards, coming out boldly and courageously proclaiming the message of the Gospel, Jesus Christ.

Nothing and no one can destroy or hinder us if God fills us with His Spirit. Because with the mission from the Lord, He gives us power; and assures us the protection of the Holy Spirit. Let us go about our mission and learn to rely more on God’s power and less on our own. God is faithful to His promise. As Jesus ascends to heaven, He blesses them and fills themwith joy, praise, and courage.

Jesus lifted into heaven, in turned lifts the spirit of the disciples,their hopes, and dreams.He drew them to Himself and led them to anew level of life and discipleshipwith purpose and mission. His ascension was not only for Himself. He was lifted to heaven so that He may lift us in discipleship, purpose, and mission.