First Sunday of Advent

11-29-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Advent is the time when we can look back to the first coming of Christ, the Incarnate Word (Jn. 1:14). At Christmas, through the Blessed Mother, the child Jesus came to live among us. It’s also a time to look forward to His “second Coming”, to reveal everything about His Kingdom. The first coming is an eternal gift that is still given every time we allow Jesus to be born in our HEARTS. Christmas is the time to prepare our hearts, by purifying our hearts from anything that prevents us from receiving Jesus’ 1st Coming. Advent therefore becomes that joyful anticipation of His Coming (Christmas).


The Solemnity of Christ the King

11-22-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Pope Benedict XVI in his book Jesus of Nazareth says, “The Kingdom of God is not a thing, it is not a geographical dominion like the worldly kingdoms, but the kingdom of God is a person… The way Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God, He leads men to realize the overwhelming fact that with Him God Himself is present among us, that He is the presence of God.” Jesus tried to tell this to his contemporaries especially the Scribes and the Pharisees; that the Kingdom of God is already in their midst, that the King of this Kingdom was among them but they did not recognize him.


Jesus' Hour

11-15-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The Book of Daniel in the 1st reading describes the apocalyptic hour, where the prophet sees the final act of God. In the final battle between good and evil, Michael, a prince and guardian, will protect God’s people. This is probably the same Michael described in Rev. 12:7, as an angel who fought to drive the dragon out of heaven with his minions. Both in Daniel as in Revelation, the hour is the battle between good and evil, right and wrong, God’s angels and Satan’s minions.


On Giving

11-08-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

What is generous giving? The poor widow in the gospel might have given very little, but Jesus, knowing the heart behind the giving said, “She has given more than everyone who gave into the treasury.” (Mk. 12:43) For the poor widow, that little was everything. She sacrificed from her poverty, her whole livelihood, denying probably everything for herself. But in spite of this, her whole-hearted giving did not make her feel that she was being deprived of anything. The poor widow was not afraid of giving everything she had.


All Saints Day

11-01-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Once a year, we get to honor all the Saints together with a big feast day, November 1, the Solemnity of All the Saints. This year is no different except that it falls on a Sunday, the Lord’s Day, thus adds a different flavor to the Solemnity with the Lord’s Day still as the central theme.

For me, the many different saints are the best examples of how to be another Jesus in the world we live. When I want to embrace Jesus in, with and for the poor, I have the wonderful example of St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Theresa of Calcutta.


Celebrating God's Gift in Action

10-25-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The Way We Looked at Things. When the sudden storm hit the Oktoberfest site last Friday, hundreds of man-hours of preparation were suddenly reduced to mangled tents, soaked exhibits, ripped table covers, and a rejected or dampened spirit. But it did not stay that long - there was an immediate consensus that we can still salvage another day. Although tired, the positive spirit was there, the joyful disposition slowly came back, we can still do this… we just need to come back earlier (6:30am) the following day, get organized and set all things up again. In the prayer we did last Friday after the storm, we ended it by saying: “God is good, all the time.”


Share the Joy of Christ

10-18-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

It’s our Oktoberfest weekend, the biggest evangelization event of St. Rose Parish. There are many attractions in the Oktoberfest 2015, some are new and many are returning attractions that have captivated, entertained, brought joy, and excitement or have just been informative and formative in nature. The planning, organizing and mobilization of such a grand event is just so unbelievable, full of love and the spirit of Christian discipleship. On behalf of the parish, I extend my sincere gratitude and warmest congratulations to all; the Oktoberfest Committee 2015, our exhibitors, Ministry Booths, fun shows and games, entertainers, and all who have unselfishly volunteered their time, talents and treasures. Special thanks to the servantleaders Jeff and Kristin Smith, Oktoberfest 2015 Co-Chairmen and their team of committee heads.


Letting God

10-11-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

When I was learning how to swim, waist deep in the sea, my father would hold my chin with his palm while I flapped my arms and feet. Because I feared drowning, I would flap frantically, not synchronizing my arms and my feet so that I ended up swallowing seawater.


The Family is the Future of the Church

10-04-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Brothers and Sisters,

Let us all continue to listen and learn from Pope Francis’ talk on the Family in Philadelphia. His message of love says, “The Family is the “Future of the Church.””

Once again, Pope Francis ventured out of his prepared speech - to preach about “The Family,” locally, pastor-style, at a level that everyone can understand. “The Families’ identity cards came from God,” he said. They have a “citizenship, which is divine” and are the highest expression of God’s love. Pope Francis emphasized the virtue of love within the family, and the future of the family.