3rd Advent: The Coming of Jesus

12-08-2019Weekly Reflection

3rd Advent: The Coming of Jesus In Mt. 11: 2-11, John the Baptist sent his disciples to Jesus with this question: “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” John the Baptist accepting his fate, was ready to relinquish his mission… to prepare the way of the Lord.

Today is Gaudete Sunday, the Sunday of joy and hope. The liturgical color for today is rose and not violent, to signify lightness and brightness.

1. Tell John what you hear and see - Advent is the time for penance, accompanied with rejoicing and hope, for God has fulfilled His promise of the Messiah. Hearing from Jesus' mouth about the fulfillment of the prophesy attached to the Messiah, was the 1st Christmas for the disciples of John.

- The light of Christmas is the glow of one little candle, Jesus, the Hope of humanity. Please don't allow the rush, stress, and the financial component of the Christmas season deprive us of the peace and happiness that Jesus brings. Let not the darkness in our midst, or the sparkle of the Christmas lights, make us lose our focus on the glow of the Christmas candle. In the thick of the glitter and the flashbulbs, don’t miss the candle glow of Jesus light.

- While many of us are so stressed decorating our homes, many of our brothers and sisters don't even have a house they can call a home. While many will be busy preparing for Christmas reunions, there are some who have lost their loved ones, family members and friends, whom they will miss in their reunion. Rejoice! Not for anything else, but because Jesus Is coming!

2. John the Baptist while imprisoned heard so many good things about his cousin Jesus. The first time he heard about Jesus’ ministry, before he was imprisoned, he was quoted saying: Jn. 3:30 "He must increase, I must decrease."

Christmas is the time when we prepare our hearts and make room for positive change. Let's do away with our pride and redirect our actions toward humility. Let Jesus shine more in our words and action, "He must Increase, we must decrease."

"God prunes us like vines so that we can bear more fruits. It hurts, but it is better to be pruned now and become fruitful, than live without pain and become fruitless tomorrow.”

Humility is the key for a truly meaningful and peaceful Christmas! We will not see and recognize Jesus at Christmas without humility in our hearts.