Novel Coronavirus

03-01-2020Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

For the past week we have been hearing of the news about the highly contagious Novel Coronavirus nCoV, and how it has spread and infected thousands, the great number of which are in main land China, but have spread to many other countries. Since then I have received so many inquiries and suggestions of taking precautionary measures, also, with the flu season still around. For this reason, St. Rose will be implementing the following: Based on the Flu Policy of the Diocese of Phoenix, Level I: (heightened awareness, voluntary precautions).

  1. Encourage the Faithful who are sick to stay home. Though it is true that it is a grave matter to miss mass on Sundays and holydays, this never applies to those who are ill, especially those who are contagious or display flu-like symptoms.
  2. Distribute Holy Communion under the species of bread alone. We receive the body and blood, soul and divinity of Christ in its totality under the species of bread alone. Receiving both species is a fuller “sign” not a fuller reality. The distribution of the chalice could be a high risk for contamination and thus is not necessary for the faithful.
  3. Invite communicants to receive on the hand. Reception of Communion on the tongue could inadvertently contaminate the hands of those distributing Communion.
  4. Require Ordinary and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to sanitize hands before distribution.
  5. Omit the spontaneous gesture of handholding during the Our Father. There is no prescribed gesture for the People of God during the Our Father.

As community we pray that this nCoV will not spread more, proactive steps and solutions are taken, discover the best medical intervention, medicines or vaccines to cure and stop the virus.

Jesus the healer, hear our prayers,

Fr. Bing