The Ministry of Jesus

02-04-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The four parts of the Gospel today consist of: First, Jesus heals the mother in law of Peter. Second, news spread of the presence of Jesus; He heals and casts out unclean spirits after sunset. Third, early morning, Jesus withdraws to a deserted place to PRAY. Fourth, Jesus visits synagogues and casts out evil spirits.

The readings give us a wide range of human experiences, from the darkness and hopelessness of Job, losing everything (1st reading), to the joy of healing and freedom from evil spirits provided by Jesus.

The first reading opens so many questions in the mind and heart of Job. His family and friends could not give him any consolation. Because of his misfortunes and miseries, he cannot see any reason to go on. If Job visits modern day counselors, they will probably diagnose him with a certain degree of depression or post traumatic stress disorder a present day dark reality of life in a fallen world.

The Gospel, on the other hand, offers a more positive picture. The presence of Jesus brings healing and freedom from unclean spirits. Jesus did not come to condemn but to save the fallen world. Even at the start of His ministry, Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God, cures all the sick; and drives out unclean spirits. There is so much novelty in the way He ministers, and people are awed by the power and authority of His preaching and teaching, unlike the Scribes, Pharisees, and their Rabbis. In a world beset by miseries, the Lord brings an ocean of love and hope. To the experience of suffering and despair, He provides so much relief and hope. Praise the Lord who heals the broken hearted.

Jesus performed a lot of exorcisms, sometimes not permitting the demons to speak because they knew who He was. Demons do whatever they can to destroy the plan of God for man. They attack subtly by distracting the mind and heart to weaken our commitment. Let us learn from Jesus how to deal with these subtle attacks: He would not permit them to speak. In the same way, avoid any interior dialogue of any form with temptation. The best way to confront temptations is > an immediate and decisive rejection. Do not even give a finger to the devil because he will surely want to grab your whole being. Call on Jesus: He alone has the power to drive them out. And with peace and faith in our hearts, proceed with vigilance with our day.

Today, we see a world beset with miseries, doubts, and despair. Believers of Christ must continue His mission. We cannot take the risk of running spiritually dry. There is so much work to do: we are proclaimers of the Word. Entrusted with the Word, we must believe what we read, teach/share what we believe, and practice what we teach. And when our world seems rough, tight, heavy, and suffocating, or tired and stressed, Jesus teaches us what to do, to PRAY.

Many people spend a lot of time at work, different forms of entertainment, self indulgence, and gratification, and forget to pray or don’t even know how to pray. We say we are busy. Busy with what, for what, and doing what? May we have no regrets that we spent so much time pursuing passing, empty, and meaningless goals and achievements. And forget instead to invest in service and PRAYER.

Lord, help us! To trust in You at all times, in all situations, we face every moment of our life. And help us to take time and make time to pray.